I blog today because I am sick and tired of the tea party, their rhetoric, their leader Sara Palin and I know I am not alone. We have a good two party system in the USA, it has been in use for almost 250 years now. It is far from perfect, and if some of us would take a little time to show our elected politicians we are alive and we care what happens to us we can easily fix most of what ails our Nation. The problem is that we gave the politicians the keys to the castle, and then we have sat back on our collective ass and watch. So how and what can we do now to make things different?
For us to make a difference and have our voice be heard we have to vote. Many of us don't make this minimum effort. Americans have to show that we can live up to the responsibility and deserve to be leaders of the free world. That means researching the candidates and voting every election. We must hold our elected leaders feet to the fire to make a change to our constitution. We must have term limits for our congress. We already have this in place for the Presidency. Why can't we keep Senators to a maximum of two terms or 12 years? If we do that, why can't we then hold House of Representatives to a max of 6 terms or 12 years also? Congress has had it made for far too long, and we all know are forefathers never intended that this become a life long job. In my home state of Maryland we had recently retired Senator Paul Sarbanes decline to run for a 6th term after serving 30 years. Senator Barbara Mikulski is running this year for her 5th term so she can serve 30 years as well. We were lucky to have these people serve, but no one should serve in the same office for that long of a time period.
Groups like the Tea Party can strut their stuff because most Americans act like we don't care. These people prey on the weak. If you remember any news highlight from last Summer/Fall that had to do with health care and you will see the rhetoric that was used on the elderly in America. The elderly thought that they were going to be euthanized the moment any cancer cells were found in their body. They thought their Social Security, and Medicare benefits would be cut off at 70 years old, even thought they paid in the system their whole lives. The biggest voting bloc in America was mobilized by scare tactics from Rush Limbaugh and his EIB network and these new Tea Toting Partier types.
The truth does not reside with the Tea Party, it is a truth of selfish servitude. Why would people not believe and rely on the age proven theory that the younger generation will always take care of the older generation if only because their own self survival is involved. I want to take care of my parents generation, so I too can be taken care of by the one after me, and so on. These people banked on this kind of scare tactic causing the Democratic Party to have its base split at the core. They couldn't fight the Republican fight because they had been in charge for 8 whole years. They stuck it to Democrats hard, showing no bipartisanship, and only today have the "Stones" to accuse the Democrat Party for the same thing the Republicans had been doing, and then they cry "foul".
I give the conservatives in America the golf clap. Sorry old chaps, they knew they had no place at the table for a while, so they tried to make a new seat. They almost got to President Obama, and all the while I was embarrassed to be an American and watch the rhetoric the Tea Party try to slay his agenda of National Health Care. Well guess what, they gave it a fight, they treated many unjustly and unfairly, but at what cost to them? The conservatives thought by winning a few Governorships and a Senate seat in Mass. and few house seats that they were setting the table for the 2010 fall elections. Well good luck to ya Tea People! We know there is no chance of that, I do believe a sleeping giant is now awake and ready to raise their voice. Democrats will come out in record numbers for this non Presidential election year, and will squash these "Tea" thinkers. I think there is a great chance Sara Palin is going to leave this celebrity as quickly as she got it, and I am quite sure this time next year she will be applying for financial aid as she won't be able to get her Governor job back in Alaska!
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