I am an average guy with a 6-1 frame who grew up skinny as a rail. I wrestled in the 10th grade at 130 lbs. I ate whatever I wanted, and I was still so skinny. I graduated college at 165 lbs when I was 22 years old. I worked crazy hours and days for the next seven years so by the time I hit 30 I was around 190. I ended up working in sales for the next seven years, my nickname was lunch, because I was paid to feed people. I ballooned to 240 lbs in my worst days. My neck was a 17.5 going on 20, my waist went from 34 to a 38, and I had to let out all my business suits for work as far as they would go. This was until my late 30's. I went back to work in operations and 5 miles of walking a day on the docks made me fit, but not able to get rid of the gut. So here I am at 46 years at my half life, averaging 235 lbs.
Parts of my family tend to live old and ripen an average of 92 years on earth. So I have this nagging thought in my head that I should get this body of mine in some kind of shape, also so I don't keel over with a heart attack one day. I was laid off from my job, and not working motivated me to do something every day. Prior to November 2009, I never exercised for any type of routine or regularity. So I start working out (not like normal people, but like some overweight fat guy), barely stretching and running in place for 20 minutes three times a week. Starting in December I am able to do more and for longer, I am using Wii to monitor and track, punching a bag, lifting some dumbbells, running in place for 30 minutes at a time. January rolls around and I quit smoking for the umpteen time. Every pound I am sweating off is getting harder and harder cause I am eating more to compensate for not smoking. Now its March and I am feeling more confident about my body, but I am struggling to get below 230lbs, and I am usually between that and 235 lbs every week. I am still content because I am not smoking and not gaining more weight either.
Now comes the fun part. We have a Las Vegas trip planned for early April and I throw my back out a couple of days prior and I cannot exercise. I go to the doctor for pills so I can make the trip and they weigh me at 236lbs. We have a great time, but by the time we get back I have not exercised for almost 8 days, I use Wii to weigh in and I was 228lbs. I thought it must be wrong, so I weigh myself on our upstairs scale and I was 229 lbs! Now my head is spinning like a top. How can that be I lost 10 lbs not exercising while I was filling up at the hotels eating a lot of food and drinking a lot of coffee and beer. It takes me 12 hours of thinking. Finally the answer comes to me in the form of Little Debbie, and it felt like a ton of bricks fell right on top of my head.
While flying to and from Las Vegas gambling, and seeing the sights of Sin City, I did not have any access to my pantry. Kids in the neighborhood all know about my food closet. When my family and their kids visit they all hit it for chips ahoys, tasty cake cupcakes, pop tarts including cinnamon,chocolate, and strawberry. My personal favorite is Little Debbie Zebra cakes, cake rolls, their all good and I always kept a big supply on hand. I must have been eating one roll at a time at a fast enough pace to keep 10 lbs on my body each week. Now the hard part, can I quit the cakes cold turkey? Time will tell but I am going to my old stand by diet of a combined breakfast/lunch, some snacking of cheese, chips, pretzels, big dinner before 7PM everyday, and a shrinking cow ice cream sandwich. The chocolate snack cakes will be a thing of the past for me, and I will have to report the rest down the road in a future blog.
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