I have slimmed from 238 to 223 pounds. I have been keeping that extra weight off for about two months. I watch when I eat, and made changes in my habits to live to be healthier. I no longer eat to live but I live to eat. Since my early 30's I have not been below 225lbs and most times I was ballooning upwards of 250lbs. I was not obese but pretty close. Every time I look at a health guide my recommended a weight of 177.5 lbs. I thought no way with my present fitness schedule and zest for eating I will ever be that light again. Then I thought what if I could get down to 210lbs, or dare I dream 190lbs. I could be comfortable, and healthy enough to add years to my life span. I have been thinking of my body as a machine which has been stuffed with fuel and rarely used.
I began exercising by punching a 40lb bag, using a curl bar to lift 35lbs with different positions to work my upper body, and of late back to using WII to track progress, and to do some running to get a good sweat. The first thing I noticed I was more regular, and my body started processing all that fuel it was storing as fat. The second thing I noticed was I did not feel the need to gorge and eat all the time. I have an appetite but no need to devour. I am no exercise fanatic. I exercise for 30 mins, at least 4 times a week. I get my heart rate going and I break a good sweat most days. I have watched my stomach and love handles wash away before my eyes in the mirror. So perfect because this happens to be where all of my extra weight is stored. This regular exercise is a win win for me!
The other part of my change was changing my dreaded cycle. I had an afternoon job, I was eating breakfast, lunch before work, lunch during work, and eating big dinner at 10:00 p.m. Hello! Anybody home? No wonder I was approaching 240 at light speed. To infinity and beyond. Thankfully I had a wake up call. I don't remember it actually, but something made rethink my situation. There is still some changes to be made. I drink a pot of coffee each day before noon. I still smoke a pack a day, but my eating habits are much improved and I have dropped 15 lbs. I am not depressed, I am look for shorter goals with plenty of time to reach them. I know I can get to 210, it might take me till next summer, and thats okay. Weight loss is not meant to happen quickly, remember it took years to put it on and its gonna take some time to get rid of it.
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